Art & Politics • Radical Education
Athanasios Anagnostopoulos aka Thanatos, F78, Smaragda Kara aka Lia Foukis, Johanna Maj Schmidt, Than Tsoumas aka BluThan • |
We investigate cutting edge conceptual art as this appears in the self-proclaimed avant garde of the greek art scene. Along with this we embark on an attempt to understand the peculiar phenomenon of European curators and art mega-organisations to look up to greco-art avant garde for inspiration. In the recent years Athens, the capital of Greece, is said to have worked as a role-model for those around the world who have sought to radicalise their curatorial gaze and artistic practice at large.
Learning From Athens
Fil Ieropoulos, Lia Foukis, Athanasios Anagnostopoulos
Fil Ieropoulos, Lia Foukis, Athanasios Anagnostopoulos
Johanna Maj Schmidt, Athanasios Thanatos
Johanna Maj Schmidt, Athanasios Thanatos
The Reformation of the Orthodox Church never happened. The Reformation (or, more fully, the Protestant Reformation; also, the European Reformation) was a schism in Western Christianity initiated by Martin Luther and continued by Huldrych Zwingli, John Calvin and other Protestant Reformers in 16th-century Europe. The Reformation of the Orthodox Church is near.
Flashked Patride
Blu Than aka Than Tsoumas
Blu Than aka Than Tsoumas
This is a video art parody. A video based on the narration of a fictional poet. The poem is in Greek and some made-up words are included in the subtitles. It is an abstract video based on the narration of a fictional greek poet; Body parts, clouds and fire appear in the heart of Athens.
#30 1992: the Achilles heel of Democracy - 34 Erxercises of Freedom
F78, Athanasios Thanatos, Smaragda Kara
F78, Athanasios Thanatos, Smaragda Kara
#29 Aesthetics of Democracy: mundane socialist rituals - 34 Exercises of Freedom
F78, Athanasios Thanatos, Smaragda Kara
F78, Athanasios Thanatos, Smaragda Kara